Unable to change default search engine in Chrome

Change Chrome Omnibox Default Search Engine back to Google when Grayed Out

Your default search engine can get changed in Chrome by malicious code or well-meaning administrators.  When this occurs, the option to change your search engine is grayed-out.  In the example below, the administrator used Active Directory Group Policy to change the default browser to “BingforSchool,” and the end-user is unable to change it back to Google.

Step 1 : Run the command prompt as administrator:

Step 2 : Run the following Commands
RD /s /Q "%winDir%\system32\GroupPolicyUsers"
( press enter )
RD /s /Q "%winDir%\system32\GroupPolicy"
( press enter )
gpupdate /force
( press enter )

Step 3: Wait for it to complete (This is the prompt you will get)
wait some time its show you
User Policy update has completed successfully and
Computer Policy update has completed successfully.

Enjoy its......

Unable to change default search engine in Chrome Unable to change default search engine in Chrome Reviewed by Unknown on 12:10:00 Rating: 5

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